There's a trend underway in both retail and quick serve food channels to create a high price point product under the label of Artisan. From Domino's new "Artisan" pizzas to Arnold breads new "Artisan Ovens" flatbreads, the word Artisan is proliferating through the grocery stores and quick serve restaurants. But what does it mean anymore?
As USA Today pointed out in an article, "More than 800 new food products have christened themselves artisan something-or-other in the past five years" with nearly 200 of those in the past year alone.
Knowing that consumers can be experiencing "Artisan" overload, Domino's Pizza is approaching it differently, asking the employee to made each pizza sign the box as a mark of quality, pride and accountability... as well as not raising the price. They are even printing on every box, "We don't wear black berets, cook with wood-fired ovens or apprentice with the masters in Italy." as a sign that they are not taking the idea too seriously.