It's been nearly a year since I hung out my own shingle and walked away from the agency I helped to build. There isn't a single day that I regret that decision. In fact I wish I'd had the heart to make the jump sooner.
As I read this article on Medium today from Liz Taylor I stopped to ponder how many unhappy people I've encountered in the creative world over the past 20 years. The complainers and Debbie Downers *are* the ones who kill our creative brain cells. I don't want to say that I wholly associate that kind of attitude with "agency life" but part of me hasn't been able to separate the toxic or negative people I've encountered yet from the physical places.
“We concept. We imagine. We build. We laugh.
We read. We write. We draw. We tinker.
We discuss movies, books, music, art, technology.
We work with directors, developers, artists, designers, photographers.
We travel to pretty amazing places and stay in posh hotels.
We. Get. Paid. To. Do. This.
A client recently started a meeting by telling us, his agency team, that we were the highlight of his day. I don’t know about any of you but that makes me happy.”
Either way if you are a creative or just want to understand how we work, this is a great article on how we should stay positive and reflect on just how lucky we are to make those dreams of paste eating kids into employment.