Elle Luna wrote an amazing piece, "The Crossroads of Should and Must", that gave me some pause this week. I recently made this jump from "Should" to "Must" with my work and feel so fortunate to be able to move forward with my creative path under my own control. I can feel the limitations falling off of me and feel like I am entering new territory. It's been an amazing process over the past few months and I didn't quite realize why until I read this piece after the fact. It's a long but necessary read for anyone feeling constrained within a creative profession.
Nicely done storytelling from Honda.
The letter I wish I'd received as a Junior Designer... (not that it would have made me any less cocky) from Cennydd Bowles on A List Apart.
Loving the art of Pieter Van Eenoge this week. http://pietervaneenoge.be
Eat24 breaks up with Facebook for good reasons and gets a dismissive response from Facebook's Director of Communications (expand comments and look for "Brandon McCormick"). Personally I think Facebook is close to a backlash from users who are feeling over-advertised to and unable to utilize the social network to follow the businesses/causes/what-have-you that they've selected to see. Small businesses and brands are facing serious ramifications based on the recent (and continual) changes to the algorithm and Eat24 won't be the last to leave.